Wednesday 23 October 2013

Autumn in the Forest of Dean

Its been a long time since I started this blog and I'm ashamed to say that I just haven't had the time to keep up with it. BUT I have been doing lots of projects, crochet and some up-cycling type things so I'm going to post like crazy over the next few days and get everything I've done recently up here top share with you.

The Autumn days are now drawing in and things are so pretty here in the Forest Of Dean. We've been on some lovely walks lately and although I didn't take my camera (doh!! I will next time I promise), I thought I;d show you this Autumn picture me and my tots made this week.

We collected lovely leaves, acorns, feathers and flowers on one of our walks and then stuck them all on a big sheet of paper. We used Mod Podge and some sponge "brushes" to spread it on the paper and then stuck everything on. My little girl loved it and got really creative, it was lovely to watch and she was pretty good considering she's only 18 months old. Her brother lost interest after about 5 mins and was more inclined to sit and pick the dried glue off his fingers :) Ah well we can't all be artists.

Anyway I hope you like their efforts :)