Wednesday 23 October 2013

Autumn in the Forest of Dean

Its been a long time since I started this blog and I'm ashamed to say that I just haven't had the time to keep up with it. BUT I have been doing lots of projects, crochet and some up-cycling type things so I'm going to post like crazy over the next few days and get everything I've done recently up here top share with you.

The Autumn days are now drawing in and things are so pretty here in the Forest Of Dean. We've been on some lovely walks lately and although I didn't take my camera (doh!! I will next time I promise), I thought I;d show you this Autumn picture me and my tots made this week.

We collected lovely leaves, acorns, feathers and flowers on one of our walks and then stuck them all on a big sheet of paper. We used Mod Podge and some sponge "brushes" to spread it on the paper and then stuck everything on. My little girl loved it and got really creative, it was lovely to watch and she was pretty good considering she's only 18 months old. Her brother lost interest after about 5 mins and was more inclined to sit and pick the dried glue off his fingers :) Ah well we can't all be artists.

Anyway I hope you like their efforts :)

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Cute toddler crochet

In an attempt to add some more posts without actually doing much work I thought I'd show off a couple of crochet projects that I've done recently for my little girl Bella who is now 16 months old.

These are both from patterns I found on the internet, one a free pattern pattern from one of my favourite blogs and another which I bought.

This little teal dress was the first "proper" thing I crocheted. Its so cute on my Bella even if it does make her look a little tubby :) The pattern is free from Bethsco Blog, which I love. ( HERE )

Not a great picture of her wearing it but she thought getting in her dolls bed was good fun!

The second little top was a pattern I bought online from Mon Petit Violon  . I really recommend her patterns as they are so easy to follow. We have had a lot of wear out of this one as its great to put over a dress or t-shirt in colder weather.

So I hope you liked those and the links to their creators :) I have some upcycling projects to add soon so watch this space :)

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Snuggly soft crochet baby blanket

I've only been crocheting for a few months and I'm already addicted. I found that this new hobby really clicked with me and I just seemed to get the hang of it and I think I've gotten quite good already and I like a challenge.

I made this blanket for my little girls first birthday and she loves it. Its made using 3 strands of yarn (chunky, DK and 3 ply) and the chunky is like fleece, its soooo soft :)

I followed this really simple pattern which I first saw on Pinterest ( chunky-crochet-baby-blanket-tutorial ) and then added a flower with the leftover strands. It's such a versatile pattern, I also made one for the sofa in reds and greys.

Cute little silver Owl

A gorgeous little wooden Owl from the charity shop for £1....

A can of silver spray paint.....
One seriously cute little silver Owl :)

Charity shop crochet finds

I love having a search through my local charity shops and try to go at least once every week or so. They are a great place to find quirky little items to spray up or repurpose and one in particular often has crocheted blankets and baby clothes :)

Here are a few blankets I picked up recently. Not sure what to do with them at the moment except to use them as blankets but may back some of the bigger ones with fabric for nice sofa throws.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Welcome to my crafty world

Welcome to my blog and thanks for dropping by :)

I'm a busy mum of 2 toddlers and have recently started spending my spare time addicted to Pinterest and falling in love with arts and crafts again. My ever suffering Husband suggested recently that I started my own blog about all the crafts and DIY things I get up to as I'm always looking at other crafters' blogs and enjoying their stories. So I thought I'd give it a go

I started crocheting in January this year and have really fallen in love with it so you may see some crochet projects here. I've also recently discovered Mod Podge and have been mod-poding old things and making cool new stuff out of them :) I love sewing (although I'm not fantastic at it!) and love spray painting weird things like china birds and beer bottles!

So I hope you enjoy taking a look and please bear with me whilst I get used to using this thing!!!

Elkie x